
Mouse and Fraser

Who will win this war?

2 min readSep 29, 2024


Image of person holding mouse in hands, to illustrate post.
Photo by on Unsplash

So, here we are. I have to say that Fraser hasn’t exactly been welcoming. When I came into his apartment, I was pretty unobtrusive really, the odd nibble here and a little scurry here and there. Ok, maybe I’m not the cutest little mouse around, having been around for a while, and been in the wars a little, and maybe I spilled a bit of rice (so hasn’t he heard of jars?) and maybe I chewed on the odd cable — what did I know! — but Fraser’s reaction was pretty severe.

He decided to declare war on me, threatening traps, poison and various forms of violence. So, I thought: OK! Bring it on buddy. I’m ready for you. Up until then, in my opinion, I had been pretty docile — “sleekit”, “cowerin’ ”, “timorous” as Fraser’s oft-quoted poet, Robert Burns, would have it.

So, he laid all these traps, and his little ‘jelly jar’ lids of poison. Do I look stupid? Like I said, I have been around for a while now…..and just because I am getting on a bit, it hasn’t slowed me down at all. So, when he threw things across the room at me, I had plenty of time to dodge all those missiles.

And if he wanted war, he could have it! I have a few tricks of my own to offer. So I made a point of chewing a few more things, making sure a few things more were spilled from bags and, I am ashamed to say…




Writer for Wellbeing - - Background in Information Management / Therapy - Current study: MA in Creative Writing and Wellbeing -